3 definitions by kwkassassin7
Also known as the friend of Allah subhana wata'ala. Him and his som Prophet Isma'il alayhi salam built the Ka'aba. He was prompted by Allah subhana wata'ala to sacrifice his son, he went to do as he was told. Allah subhana wata'ala stopped him before he could do it as it was just a test. He then sent down a sheep instead. In fact, the reason why Muslims celebrate Eid ul-adha is to celebrate his obedience to Allah subhana wata'ala.
Hamza: Bro, Allah subhana wata'ala is testing me so hard rn.
Abdullah: Remember akhi, Allah subhana wata'ala is with you. Even Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi salam had tests!
Abdullah: Remember akhi, Allah subhana wata'ala is with you. Even Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi salam had tests!
by kwkassassin7 July 13, 2023
An unrecognized country in the Horn of Africa. It is a free country with a working system and is relatively save, un like Somalia. It came out of the Issaq genocide led by dictator Mohammed Siad Barre. It was rebuilt after it was 90% destroyed. Many people from Somalia like to pretend either that Somaliland doesn't existy or side with Barre. But if we look at the facts, only one of these countries have a relaible police force and strong intelligence service to stop Al-Shabaab attacks...
Deluded guy from Somalia: "Somaliland doesn't exist! Only Somalia!"
Somalilander: Just stop wasting your time and breath bro, admit Somaliland is better that Somalia right now. Focus on helping your own country instead of attempting to bring down another.
Somalilander: Just stop wasting your time and breath bro, admit Somaliland is better that Somalia right now. Focus on helping your own country instead of attempting to bring down another.
by kwkassassin7 June 20, 2023
Ahmed: F*ck!
Shu'aib: Brother do not swear, our Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalam did not like obscenity.
Ahmed:Astaghfirullah, may Allah subhana wata'ala forgive me.
Shu'aib: Brother do not swear, our Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalam did not like obscenity.
Ahmed:Astaghfirullah, may Allah subhana wata'ala forgive me.
by kwkassassin7 July 2, 2023