8 definitions by kronosgalaxy


A furry who is obsessed with porn and making people mad. A 3qw typically tries to have sex at their marriage. A 3qw also post many furry-related things, and lots of disturbing images.
It's fine to be a furry, but don't be a 3qw!
by kronosgalaxy September 10, 2023
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A fellow who likes posting f slurs and turning everyone into guns.
Hey! Don't say the slur! Don't be an .aperture.!
by kronosgalaxy September 9, 2023
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A short kid who has no friends and loves to scream racial slurs. They love telling people to off themselves and overall sometimes acts like a furry. They also love saying ":3" and loves to trap people in their basement.
Friend 1: I wonder what's up with Joey.
Friend 2: You don't want to know. Joey attacked innocent bystanders and is threatening me.
Friend 1: Wow! That sounds so cool.
Friend 2: Don't be a cyberminimalist like Joey is!
Friend 1: Aww Okay.
Joey: Hi guys
Friend 1: Hey why do you have a lighter?
Friend 2: Oh no.
Joey: I heard you called me a cyberminimalist.
by kronosgalaxy September 10, 2023
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an administrator who is typically high and always likes posting nerd emojis.
Dude stop spamming nerd emojis, you're acting like a hi_imhigh87
by kronosgalaxy September 9, 2023
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Royality to sillylandia (a place where all the sillies go) who also typically says ":3" and is mostly a chill person. N0xz are typically basic wizards compared to robots who are level 100 wizards.

N0xz also normally doxxes people for fun.
♫I will be the N0xz of many kingdoms♫
♫I will be the N0xz of sillylandia in my dreams♫
♫I am the N0xz!♫
Fear me or you will get doxxed!♫
♫Yes I am the N0xz♫
by kronosgalaxy September 10, 2023
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an amazing human-being with popularity and good looks, who is also very likeable.
That guy is so cute! He's such a kronosgalaxy!
by kronosgalaxy September 9, 2023
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The complete opposite of a gyatt. A wyatt is someone who has a very small butt.
"Damn bro, I'm normally into gyatts but that wyutt looks juicy, af"
by kronosgalaxy December 8, 2023
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