3 definitions by kkp

noun. Formed from blending of the words bride and bodhisattva (Buddhist term). Used to describe a woman whose behavior is characterized by enlightened, wise and calm behavior in the course of planning for her wedding.
Something crazy happened while she was planning her large wedding... she became oddly serene, like she was an enlightened Bridesattva... She always had a calm and kind word to inspire those around her.
by kkp September 2, 2010
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(adj) An elegant and sexy style of urban dress.
Whether your style is formal, hipster, or delyshous, please dress to impress yourself.
by kkp December 1, 2006
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Benevolent jealousy. Feeling goodwill and happiness for someone because of that person's success, or advantages WHILE simultaneously desiring the same success or advantages (often followed by "of")
I am so benelous of her new 6-figure job in Hawaii.
by kkp March 18, 2008
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