3 definitions by kidsnpigs

(adj) Pretending the sex was good, faking an orgasm.

Not genuinely into the sex your having at that particular time, but so no feelings get hurt, pretending that you are.
He thinks he was totally good, but I was just acting fucticious.

"Dude, I was the best she ever had. She was moaning and groaning." "No way dude, it was all just fucticious."
by kidsnpigs February 6, 2010
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The conversation or chit chat the gynecologists insists on making during a pap smear or pelvic examination.
Doctor: "Nice weather we're having."
Patient: "Uh-huh."
Doctor: "Got any plans for the rest of the day?"
Patient: "Nuh-uh"
Doctor: "We're just about done here."
Patient: "Look Doc, I know you're trying to be nice, but can you please cut out the cooter chat and just 'git er done!?"
by kidsnpigs February 7, 2010
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(adj) Descriptive word of the most awesome thing ever.
My kids are the awsmostis kids in the universe!
by kidsnpigs February 5, 2010
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