2 definitions by justjae12

A man who is involuntarily celibate. He will always believe that he can’t get laid because he’s not ‘attractive’ to women, when the real reason is that he has a terrible personality and acts like women owe him something for being a ‘nice guy’.

His resentment towards women is both dangerous and extreme. Sometimes this unwarranted vitriol for women and self-entitlement becomes so strong that it leads to terrorism.
This guy claimed he’s an incel and started calling all women superficial for not wanting to go on a date with him.
by justjae12 May 20, 2020
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A term used by sexist trash men towards other decent men who actually respect women.

They will also use the term (incorrectly) against women who are kind to other women.
Greg: Girl, you’re really great. Don’t let anyone get you down!

David: You’re a simp.


Katie: Why is everyone so mean to you? You seem so nice!!

David: You’re so simpy.

Katie: What does that mean?

David: Simp
by justjae12 May 19, 2020
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