1 definition by jamiebent321

Leyla is all around perfect. She’s good at everything she does. All the girls want to be friends with her and all the guys want to date her. She’s the type of beautiful that will make your jaw drop. Leyla usually has brown hair and brown eyes and is tall with big boobs and a big ass. She’s athletic and probably the smartest person you know. She is also creative and good at art and musically inclined-but hey she’s good at everything. She has tons of friends and everyone knows who she is either because they want to be her or they want to be with her. She’s effortlessly perfect and has a way of making everyone fall in love with her.
Girl: have you met Leyla yet?
Girl 2: no but I’ve heard so much about her I can’t wait too!
by jamiebent321 February 4, 2020
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