1 definition by ispendwaytoomuchtimeonline

the 79th president of the united councils of alopiza. introduced the 80% tax rate and banned seagullers from the inner wards, effectively eliminating illegal scoptoss games from the region. in addition raised the personal thought circle allowance to fifteen sheels, a move that proved extremely popular. despite a number of scandals, including the notorious black wurm scandal, in which floobg was caught breathing in sicalorf in non r-zoned municipality, without observing regulation levels of si-paastols, in 2083 the floobg rate good referendum passed, enshrining into law recognition that the people love floobg and would spend time with him socially. floobg died in 2090 of complications following a bout of exfoipinidiotus. a statue of floobg was erected in team square to commemorate his tremendous spell of power
we all love floobg; he's the best
by ispendwaytoomuchtimeonline October 17, 2022
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