3 definitions by imbesty

The generic name given to the set of slangs commonly used by undergraduate students of the reputed Indian Instititutes of Technology. Knowledge of IIT Lingo is traditionally passed down from existing batches to new batches of IIT students.

A word form IIT lingo of special mention (because it is so overused) is 'arbit', short for arbitrary.
IIT Lingo includes abbreviations of words like ob.(obviously) and gen.(generally), Indian corruption of English words like pondy (porn) and frustapa (frustration) and suffixes like -max (lolmax, frustapa-max, etc.) apart from other such bewildering alterations.
by imbesty November 5, 2010
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"bhajan" is a slang for porn movie/video in 'IIT' lingo (the set of slangs used in the Indian Institutes of Technology). Its derived from the Hindi word 'bhajan' meaning a devotional song offered in prayer.
A: Dude I've seen this awesome physics textbook and I have to jerk off.
B: No problem, dude. I have just the right bhajans for you.
by imbesty November 5, 2010
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"pondy" is a slang for porn movie/video in 'IIT' lingo (the set of slangs commonly used in the Indian Institutes of Technology). It originates from a Hindi corruption of the word 'porn'.
A: Dude I've seen this awesome physics textbook and I have to jerk off.

B: Oh? Don't worry I have just the right pondy clips for you.
by imbesty November 5, 2010
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