2 definitions by imakeeper14

The act of destroying or shredding a document.
Seller: “We received your payment today. You already paid your bill this month, so there isn’t anything due. What do you want us to do with the check?”

Customer: “Thanks for letting me know...just Pelosi it.”
by imakeeper14 February 5, 2020
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An equivalent slang term to "Let's Go Brandon" when being asked about your non-vaccinated status about the current COVID-19 shot. This lawyer-like term is used because "it's none of your business" and "it is my choice" is no longer socially acceptable. Made popular by MVP Quarterback Aaron Rodgers.
MEDIA: "Hey Aaron, have you been vaccinated?"
AARON RODGERS: "I'm immunized."
by imakeeper14 November 4, 2021
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