1 definition by iloveyouheapz

a bright,sexy,goofy,sometimes shy but talented girl who knows how to have fun.kayla has made lots of mistakes in her life but has overcome them.she is very brave and has dealt with lots of pain and loss and tends to hide away her pain.she is a funny character not weird just kayla.friends are most important to her and she cares for everyone of them.she has passion for dance and music(and will dance to almost anything anywhere) and is generally found in accelerant classes.she is very upfront about her mistakes and doesnt mind people knowing her past.whenever she says iloveyou she generaly means it.she may be found to have low self esteem and think shes ugly but kayla is very pretty even though she may not think that herself.underneath all the barriers kayla is a caring person with a big heart and huge imagination.every guy should have a kayla.
sanford:whose that girl dancing over there?

josh: you dont know who that is?
thats kayla

sanford: i knew it.
by iloveyouheapz August 19, 2011
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