2 definitions by ikecube

According to Conan O'Brian's mock Boy-Band group "Dudez A Plenti", Awesome Juice is how any babe gets awesome.

It is distilled from the naturally occurring awesomeness found in things that aren't ghey like boybands.

It is a well known fact that Librarians tend to have the highest naturally occurring amount of awesome juice of any group of people.
How’d you get so awesome, baby?

From drinking lots of awesome juice?

The awesome juice has worked, hooray
by ikecube August 1, 2008
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Increase Revenue, Optimize Efficiency, and cut costs using Automation, Data, and Process.
Isaac is a brilliant Marketing Hacker as demonstrated by his usage of Marketing Automation, Applied Statistics, and new data processes to quarterly revenue.
by ikecube January 1, 2013
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