12 definitions by heath raftery

To become a man; to become more masculine in a phyiscal and sexual sense.
"He is cute but i am waiting for him to manulate"

by heath raftery February 24, 2008
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The kind of cheap bottled wine that is only good for getting drunk. A portmanteau of smashed and Passion Pop - the cheap sparkling wine.

Can also be used in an verb or abjective form, when describing the activity of drinking smashenpop or the feeling obtained from smashenpop.
Mmm, Friday night and it's the right time for some smashenpop!

*giggle*, I'm feeling so smashenpopped.

Why don't we flog a bottle of champers and do some smashenpopping on the way to the party?
by heath raftery October 1, 2007
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A blend of vertigo, disgust, anger and embarrassment, such as felt when watching one of Microsoft's spectacularly cringeworthy "Windows 7 Launch Party" videos.

Coined by Charlie Brooker writing for the Guardian.
Did you see Microsoft's Windows 7 launch party video? It was shitasmic!

I have the most awful case of shitasmia from cringing so much at the goofy acting in that show.
by heath raftery November 3, 2009
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Where your clothes go when you're too lazy, or too preoccupied to put them away properly.
Eh, I can't even get to my bed because my flordrobe is so full.

We were so drunk and horny last night that I couldn't find where I put my underwear in the flordrobe.
by heath raftery October 1, 2007
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Pompous or pretentious. Marked by the use bombastic language.

Variation of highfalutin
Have you seen that pompous law student? He's such a hifalutin knobjockey.
by heath raftery September 15, 2006
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The act of pressing ones lips against a transparent surface, typically a glass window, to form a seal and then breathing out to expand the cheeks.

Generally the intention is to disgust or taunt anyone that may be on the other side of the window. Although slightly less offensive, the action is performed in much the same manner as to chuck a browneye.
"Quick, Sally's in her car, do a blowfish on her window!"

"Haha, blowfish!"
by heath raftery November 28, 2007
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Short for penis creases - the pair of visible ridges of flesh that skinny surfer types sometimes have on their lower abdomen, tapering down towards their groin.

A nice pair of peecees tend to get girls thinking about penises and going a bit weak at the knees.
Girl 1: "Did you see that dude with his board shorts low and no shirt on?"
Girl 2: "Oh yeah, he had sexy peecees!"
Both girls: *sigh*
by heath raftery September 3, 2007
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