4 definitions by hearttcringe

the average "army guy" who is obsessed with stereotypical guy pastimes, such as wearing camo, hiking, watching american football, or offroading trucks
Roger is such a camo man.. I've never seen him posting anything but his RC cars and hiking trips!
by hearttcringe October 29, 2023
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what is said when someone is on fire and is burning. normally these people are on fire or are using a hyperbole because they feel very hot.

mostly said by idiots wearing a jacket in the summertime
Josh: Why are you wearing a hoodie? It's 93 degrees out here!
by hearttcringe October 27, 2023
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when someone licks dick and is going rogue, or enjoys it so much they are going insane
bro LDGR daniel he's insane
by hearttcringe October 18, 2023
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the only love symbol superior to the 😍 emoji, shows that you love someone show much that you would turn into a cat for them
Boyfriend: Gn babe, I love you :) 😍

Girlfriend: Love you too 😻
Boyfriend: Awwww thanks
by hearttcringe October 27, 2023
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