1 definition by headybrethrendefinitions

a sadwook is when a sad boy and a wook combine to create a person that is a blend of both cultures but also combines both vibes. this is normally seen when a person is indulged in both festival culture as well as the emotional type music scene. this person can be a blend of other elements in the wook or sadboy scenes: like eboy or egirl/ emo/ goth/ scene/ etc, or as as different festival type subcultures like heady/ producer or artists/ raver/ etc. this blend is seen to be uncommon but it is VERY common, it just has no name for it until now. people who are sadwooks normally like deeper dubstep or blends of electronic music with wave and trap instead of the conventional riddim bass and jam bands. they also may not just dress like a conventional heady festival goer, they sometimes may choose to blend their style with darker and more tech type style. but that doesnt mean they dislike the base level of sadboy or wook, it just means they are influenced by other things that add to their personal style or interests.

(((alternative definition that can apply to anyone: the action of when any wook (whether sadwookie or not) is sad

ex: i couldnt go to E forest so im a sadwook)))
Example one (used as a noun): brenda always told me she wasnt a wook even if she goes to festival because she is a sadgirl/ egirl in terms of style and interests. i think she just doesnt know shes a sad type of wook; or sadwook if you may. if she knew what it was maybe she'd identify with that term more because she definitely listens to dubstep and wears heady clothes as well!

Example two (used as a verb): im gonna sadwook today after i get my work done, i need to let go and have a good time.

Example three (used as a pronoun): sadwook over yonder is my homie

Example four (used as an adjective): he normally doesnt go full sadwook but he is clearly on that level right now
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