1 definition by guy... #A

a creature, one of most hidious proportions. Constanly doing things, many times randomly and annoyingly. A bizsek is a parasite that leaches on to others, but only to borrow their DVDs. *precious dvds* Also a Bizek can cause extrem retardedness when exposed to long enough.
1-hello(man) RAHhahah Derr derr (bizsek) OMG(man) ::humping noises:: man explodes in a cloud of flesh and blood.
2-OMG(lady)::bizsek breaths in face:: ::lady's face peels off::
3-hey get out of those trees(man) derrrrr (bizsek) ::jumps from tree killing man:: ::world implodes::
*4-"the sweat mixed with the left over crap in my ass, and when my boxers rode up it smeared it."

*-famous quote from the bizsek
by guy... #A July 19, 2004
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