30 definitions by good attention

CARBO AMERICAN: a expression used on the television show "3rd rock from the sun" as a way of describing "one's cultural, social and linguistic background" as a means to gain an individual identity to distinguish one person from the next.
"so, i'm part spanish, part european, part american and i love hockey, what are you? well..ehh..i'm a "carbo american".

"how many hobbies do you have? oh..i'm just a carbo american."
by good attention January 7, 2014
TWIPPIE: too "hippie" the dressage and subculture behavior of mostly vegetable people lovers (which we like, from a distance) with, as any group the need to herd together as a form of leisure activity, to have cozy conversations about knitwear like "coasters" with a need to dish over coffee, mostly because of loud gusts of wind.
..oh dear god, tatoos and fancy casual clothing galore, we're in twippieville...twippie.

I find it a little bit "twippie" said Ann to her cousin Ed, is it because of the wind? I think it is said Ed, hearing can be sensitive, that's why it's "twippie". Huh..said Ann, as she glared silently into the distance.
by good attention January 13, 2017
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