4 definitions by georgeward

1. The idea that hotness has its repercussions, as hot people do not have to be interesting in order to get people to pay attention to them. So once someone becomes 30, no one gives a shit about them, and karma is fulfilled, because they will never use their kama sutra again.

2. What butthurt ugly people say will happen to hot people.
A: “OMG Stacy is gorgeous as hell”
B: “She’s boring, see? Hey, Stacy! What are you really good at?”
Stacy: “Uh....whatever”
B: “In twenty years, she’ll be hopeless. Karma sutra.”
A: “You would say that, because you’re ugly."
by georgeward November 16, 2011
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1. when an aspect of a game, show, film, or other media is clearly meant to be fulfillment of a nerd fantasy. Compare to blacksploitation, as this often involves nerds doing ridiculously awesome things, i.e., Peter Parker.
-Edward Cullen’s attraction to Bella Swan
-The character Fela in the Kingkiller Chronicles
-The vast majority of female comic book characters
-The vast majority of male comic book characters (however, different kind of fantasy)
-Zooey Deschanel doing anything whatsoever
I wish nerd movies focused more on feeling both real and being entertaining than taking the cheap shot with mindless nerdsploitation.
by georgeward August 7, 2012
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BETSY: I'm leaving.
TRAVIS: What do you mean?
BETSY: These are not the kind of movies I
go to.
TRAVIS: This is kino...
BETSY: Porno movies? If you just wanted to fuck, why didn't you just come right out and say it?
TRAVIS: We can go to another movie if you like, I don't care.
BETSY: No, Travis. You're a sweet guy and
all that, but I think this is it.
by georgeward October 9, 2023
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1. The act of completely destroying at a specific field; compare to "kicking ass".
2. Being absurdly good at ping pong.
3. Having sex with someone in their ass.
1. Man, I dust ass at Call of Duty!
2. Woke up to 16 yr old Ariel Hudson dusting ass in Ping Pong for USA!! btw, when did BB gun become an Olympic sport?
3. It's my bday so I dusted her ass ln lol
by georgeward December 11, 2012
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