2 definitions by gabe jackson
Pat Bagshaw.
An extremely loud and obnoxious person from Conneticut. Likes the Red Sox and cock as well. Also has a horribly funny accent.
An extremely loud and obnoxious person from Conneticut. Likes the Red Sox and cock as well. Also has a horribly funny accent.
Pat(with accent): Comisaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Gabe Jackson(cool): Hey fagnuts, shut the hell up and get that dildo outta your butt.
Gabe Jackson(cool): Hey fagnuts, shut the hell up and get that dildo outta your butt.
by gabe jackson October 30, 2004
A nigger.
Yet another word a white person can say without being labeled a racist. Just as long as they say quickly in a high pitched voice. Either that or the opposite, a slow low tone.
Yet another word a white person can say without being labeled a racist. Just as long as they say quickly in a high pitched voice. Either that or the opposite, a slow low tone.
Honkey: Sup nocker
Nocker: Normally, I would kick your ass, being the ignorant black person that I am, but I had no clue what you just said.
Honkey: Whatev, nocker.
Nocker: Normally, I would kick your ass, being the ignorant black person that I am, but I had no clue what you just said.
Honkey: Whatev, nocker.
by gabe jackson October 20, 2004