2 definitions by fugazii on soundcloud

Rishi Moorthy

A fucking retard who will snort anything to impress girls. He makes very good curry and has never had a girl friend because he is a gay fuck. He is a very thicc boi and gets his cheeks clapped everyday by Lachie McNeil
Person 1: Rishi, don't snort the iodine acid, it will fucking kill you

Rishi Moorthy: I dont care all the girls are watching
Girl: Rishi, your such a fucking idiot don't snort that
Rishi: Too late
by fugazii on soundcloud November 6, 2019
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1. Doesn't do any work and still passes tests
2. is an absolute fucktard
1. Lachlan is an absolute retard and shits his pants all the time but still gets gorls
by fugazii on soundcloud September 16, 2019
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