2 definitions by freeedd

Some guys who people say are obnoxious or pretentious because they carry around certain books so others will know how smart they are, as if their life depends on it, and sometimes it does so give them a break, they are just some guys with books.
Uni Student X: Look at that DFW litbro, that book looks HEAVY
Uni Student Y: Let's help him. He seems like a sweet person
by freeedd April 18, 2022
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David Foster Wallace, writer of the novel Infinite Jest, books of stories Oblivion, Girl with Curious Hair, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, and some non-fiction books like A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again.
DFW fan: I can't believe this, DFW is being taken down by cancel culture and stuff!
George Bernard Shaw fan: Not only him! Soon we'll be selling this stuff on the black market!
DFW fan (pulls samizdat from black briefcase): Wanna buy some DFW?
by freeedd April 19, 2022
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