13 definitions by franklin delano roosevelt

Said in a low quiet voice whilst you mabate. Your hand must be playing pocket pull or else it is no longer secretive. This phrase is derived from greetings, a popular slogan of slick hipster, Mr. Dente.
"I played secret greetings while the music teacher played a movie in class," said C. S.
by franklin delano roosevelt December 13, 2004
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Abbreviation of cankles.
An ebonics phrase used by black folk (or people who believe that they too, are black)to describe the fatty build up around the lower area of their legs. You see, little one, the morbidly obese have no differentiation between their calves and ankles, therefore "CANKLES" or CANKS for short.
M-giggly: B-doc, you can't wear those flood pants when we go to the carnival!
B-Doc: Well Why the jizzle-dizzle not?
M-giggly: your canks be showin! youz nasty! Im gonna get me some watermelon and biscuits!
by franklin delano roosevelt December 21, 2004
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1. Jamaican restaurant franchise found all over the world. (Sometimes called the Krusty Krab)
2. Reffering to an eatery in south Philly that you will not be returning to at a later date due to the bulletproof glass they serve you from and the fact that the food tastes like human feet.
3. A meeting house for murderers, rapists, and the crazy homeless.
1. I love eating the jerk chicken at the Golden Crust
2. Dude, I think someone jerked off on my chicken from the Golden Crust
3. Brian and I tried to contain ourselves while at the Golden Crust from laughing at the large black man singing "The freaks come out at night"
by franklin delano roosevelt December 13, 2004
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A term used by Slut A to Slut B, referring to a battle royale. Normally when Slut A beleives that Slut B has gotten pregnant by Slut A's white trash boyfriend and she would like to have a brawl in the school gymnasium. Originated in 2004 in a high school cafeteria.
"I want my Fawa, Bitch"
by franklin delano roosevelt December 13, 2004
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The greatest Jewish comedian alive? Uh, quite possibly! Not... Uh derp!
"Heh-heh, Rob Schneider was an animal. Then he was a woman. And now, Rob Schneider is -- A STAPLER! And he's about to find out -- that being a stapler -- is harder than it looks! Rob Schneider is -- THE STAPLER! Rated PG-13."

"Heh-heh, Rob Schneider is a Wall Street executive, with everything going for him. Only problem is -- he's about to become -- A CARROT! It's 24-carrot comedy! Rob Schneider is -- A CARROT! Rated PG-13."

"Heh-heh, Rob Schneider, derp dee derp! Derp dee derpittee derpee derp! Until one day, a derpa derpa durba derp! Derp dee derp, -- da teetley tum! From the creators of -- DER -- and -- TUM TA TITTALY TUM TERPA DERP, Rob Schneider is -- DA DERP DEE DERP DA TEETLEY DERPEE DERPEE DUMB. Rated PG-13."
by franklin delano roosevelt December 30, 2005
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1. A beach-town located in New Jersey
2. A town full of rambunxious horney teens trying to get laid
3. a hard-on that just can not be tamed
1. Wanna go to Wildwood for senior week? Hellz no!
2. This thailand whore house reminds me of an all-girl Wildwood.
3. uhhh, teacher, i cant come get the paper at the moment. -WHY NOT, BILLY?- uhh, i got wildwood -HAHA! GO TO THE OFFICE! HA!-
by franklin delano roosevelt December 13, 2004
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