2 definitions by foreheadniggaaaah

ya ali forhead save us jesus crhsit DA LAWD ayo ayo - fizzah
leg day
securing goods
her life is basically nigger
by foreheadniggaaaah July 25, 2022
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fat elephant banjoud she doesnt know 4 + 4 she hangs out with non mehrams she is a wanna be ms marvel shes so fat the sun will blow up before she loses a pound ali will come down from the sky and slap her cus shes a liberal shes so fat she bombs wthe toilet while breaking the window cus of her singing shes the type to just be opn her phone and be fat.
sister fucker banjoud wanna be ms marvel go to hell wanna be .just be normal and not a liberal gay ass nigga
hail ali ya ali

maheen is so fat ali cannot save her now
by foreheadniggaaaah July 25, 2022
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