2 definitions by firebird71

verb. to utilize accessible but limited resources around
ones(gay)self to create something fabulous.

noun. someone who is one part Martha Stewart, one part Bob Villa, and one part MacGuyver that is able to utilize their talent and skill to create something fabulous out limited but accessible resources.
Todd whip into MacGayver mode and grabbed three camping lanterns, a couple of bungee cords, chiffon, and some zip ties to create not only needed but wonderful lighting over the picnic table at our campsite.
by firebird71 July 22, 2009
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verb. to utilize accessible but limited resources around
ones(gay)self to create something fabulous.

noun. someone who is one part Martha Stewart, one part Bob Villa, and one part MacGuyver that is able to utilize their talent and skill to create something fabulous out of limited but accessible resources.
Todd whipped into MacGayver mode and grabbed three camping lanterns, a couple of bungee cords, chiffon, and some zip ties to create not only needed but wonderful lighting over the picnic table at our campsite.
by firebird71 July 22, 2009
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