12 definitions by fearlessmonkey8

American conservative, known for his views on the arming of teachers. Formally known as Keith R. Swank, he was ridiculed by UK Twitter for his name. The term "Keith Arsewank" was born on the 27th March 2023, after he posted a tweet saying "TEACHERS. SHOULD. BE. ARMED.", which quickly went viral on UK Twitter, leading to the ridicule.
Keith Arsewank Day is now celebrated on the 27th March 2023, the day he posted his now-infamous tweet.
by fearlessmonkey8 April 4, 2023
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When CM Punk really hates you, he'll do a GTS on you.
by fearlessmonkey8 May 31, 2022
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The shittest tube station in london. Had to climb the stairs about 15 storeys up coz the lift fucked itself. Totally buggered after that lol
Covent Garden Tube station is a bloody nightmare, just stay on the train until leicester square
by fearlessmonkey8 January 4, 2023
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A day of celebration of the birth of Keith Arsewank on British Twitter. Formally known as Keith R. Swank, he is a US conservative known for his views about armed teachers.
Happy Keith Arsewank Day! The 27th March is a day of celebration and you should celebrate it as well!
by fearlessmonkey8 April 10, 2023
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The stage after Schrödinger's Woman, doublethink is the ability to hold two contradictory opinions about said woman and forget the one which does not approve with your narrative (usually after a failed pickup attempt)
Bloke 1: "Mate, I thought you said you loved that bird!"
Bloke 2: "No, she's a fat slag. I've never loved her"
Bloke 1: "Are you going mental or are you just forcing doublethink on yourself?"
by fearlessmonkey8 February 9, 2023
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