3 definitions by fairydoir

an aesthetic/style that revolves around despicable me's protagonist, gru. grucore consists of edited photos of the character, using common phrases from the movie, etc. identifiers tend to be extremely chaotic in nature.
"what's your aesthetic?"

"oh, i'm a huge fan of grucore! how about you?"
by fairydoir March 24, 2021
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the declaration that one will be officially adopting the gender of another person.
"i really love insert character/persons! they're my favorite celebrity!"

"hey, you know insert character/persons, too? yeah, im an expert in stealing gender -- and they're next in line."
by fairydoir February 19, 2021
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an expression of joy or laughter in response to a funny joke/statement. typically a substitute for "LOL", "LMAO", etc.
"did you see this picture that laur sent?"

by fairydoir February 18, 2021
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