1 definition by fUcKtH3cH3eT3rS

Forgetting about your girlfriend to go mess around with other girls at homecoming when you are in a commited relationship, knowing quite well she trusts you and loves you with her whole heart then taking that trust and love and take a piss on it. Cheating is anything you wouldn't want your significant other to see, watch, find out about, or do with someone else. Fuck all the cheaters who ever broke someone's heart. If you get cheated on, dump their sorry ass, theres no such thing as a moment of weakness. They dont give a shit about you or your relationship. Even if the girl came on to them, they shouldve said no. They dont love you. They are selfish bastards, and they will do it again no matter what they say. It breaks your heart into a million pieces, you never will trust them or anyone else again, and the pain never goes away. You'll ALWAYS have moments where you think about it and just break down crying, and sometimes you cry yourself to sleep for months.
Travis cheated on his girlfriend Jessie with five girls at his homecoming, that bastard. She deserves better, nobody deserves to be cheated on. Its better to tell the truth than to be caught cheating.
by fUcKtH3cH3eT3rS March 14, 2010
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