2 definitions by ein froosh

The iPod is an mp3 player made by Apple, Inc. It looks cool and costs a crapload of money; and for what? The looks and the right to say "omfg i have an ipod"
LOOK AROUND YOU, PEOPLE; there are thousands of mp3 players out there that have 10 times a many cool things it does, for CHEAPER than an iPod.
Thats my opinion

will YOU waste your money on that status symbol? i sure wont
"I'm a rich kid that wants to look cool... Lemme go get an iPod because everyone else is doing it"
by ein froosh April 10, 2005
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Bungie is the best video game developer ever. Period. They made Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2. Need i say more? No. That's all you need to know to understand that Bungie pwns all other game developers.
"Dude I'm going to pwn u in Halo"
"not as much as Bungie pwns everthing else"
"right on, n00b"
by ein froosh April 10, 2005
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