2 definitions by eeeeeewwwww


The verb- to suck a gobstopper. First invented by the most amazing eloise.
1: What you up to?
2. gobstoppering,
1. jealousss ;)
by eeeeeewwwww May 6, 2011
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Another word for a moustache. If reffered to as having a badger the person shouldn't be proud of it. People with badgers are usually teenage boys starting puberty, with that disgusting upper lip hair- which although they may be proud of- girls find it gross.
girl 1: yuck that guy has a badger
girl 2: gross, he has more hair on his upper lip than on his head, and it aint pretty.
Badger: Like my stache?
girls: bleughhhh
by eeeeeewwwww April 30, 2011
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