8 definitions by ecs25858

A derogatory term to make yourself feel superior.
Carlo: Hi little buddy!

Ed: I'm not your little buddy, I'm your big brother!
by ecs25858 January 3, 2011
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(sur`kliz`em) n. application of paint by diagramming an image in terms of tiny circles or figures to create an effect of subtle and complex dimensions. A school of painting exemplified by Stresino in the early 21st century United States. {Middle English cercle from old French, from Latin circulus} circle- a plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the center. surklizt n. & adj. sur`kliz`tic adj. Compare pointillism.
The painting was done in the style of Circlism.
by ecs25858 August 13, 2010
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That Nerd is my kind of person!
by ecs25858 December 11, 2010
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Indifference to what a person is saying! Who cares!;Get a Life!
Sam: I am the best in Math because I keep getting straight


Greg: Whatever!
by ecs25858 December 29, 2011
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hope + Oprah = Hoprah

Based on Oprah Winfrey's inspirational take on life. The purpose of living is to better yourself, and to ultimately better humanity. The hope for a better tomorrow depends on the choices you make today.
I hoprah that I will finally meet my goals in becoming a better communicator.
by ecs25858 January 29, 2011
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A combination of chill plus relax.

Chill + Relax = Challax
Bob said, "Challax already you're making me nervous!"

Tom said, "O.k.!!!!"
by ecs25858 January 3, 2011
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root is Greek Flower, A very beautiful and attractive girl or woman, also can be very sweet and generous. Enjoys being a mother.
Rebecca, said: "That girl is such an Ianthe, I wish I could be more like her."
by ecs25858 January 2, 2011
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