2 definitions by eXIVer

Beana is beaner just that it's in slang.A beana is a Mexican person.It could be a chicano or an illegal mexican.It doesn't neccesairly have to be an illegal mexican a.k.a. wetback. Some people say beaner/beana to be racist, they use it as a racial comment. Don't be hatin on me because I said wetback because I is one!
Whut up my beana! Q-vole mi beaner!
Look at datt beana workin!
by eXIVer March 8, 2006
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Crunk comes from two words chronic and drunk. It means to get hi and drunk.
Homie wunna get crunk?!
I got da cerveza got da weed?
by eXIVer March 8, 2006
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