2 definitions by duranduran4829

the one guy who knows the detail of everyone's personal lives from observing and stalking the group chat but doesn't say anything. takes neutral stance on everything and believes in the lil wayne rule of diplomacy "real Gs move in silence like lasagna"
"Jake came back with the spy reports"
"You're a proper Nuved, Jake!"
by duranduran4829 February 12, 2023
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that one bhenchod that steals everyone's jokes and milks them till it spreads into the Instagram group chat. stuck in 2017 communism memes and thinks all jews are alien like evil creatures. laughs like a dog and thinks everything is "what she said."
"that's what she said"
aw hell na, you a tawsif too!?
by duranduran4829 February 12, 2023
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