2 definitions by dudewtf145

noun:a fat stripper dancing on the street

adjective:something that indicates it has hairy eyebrows

verb:stripping or waxing
Noun: Dude who is that grandacious person over on the side of the street?!

Adjective: That monkey is grandacious

Verb: Does she seriously participate in gradacious activities?
by dudewtf145 December 4, 2010
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verb-something that has no meaning

noun- the name of a hobo, who has hairy eyebrows, and likes to play the kazoo through his nose
Verb: There is no word to describe this feeling, its like so shmublic.

Noun: Yo, that shmublic is scary the heck out of me, and he smells bad too. And what on EARTH is up with that kazoo?
by dudewtf145 November 9, 2010
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