2 definitions by duckdusk

The main mode in the game Splatoon, where squid-kid hybrids have to ink the most turf of a stage to win.
Person 1: I lost by 0.5 percent in Turf War yesterday!
Person 2: I lost by 0.2.
Person 1: R.I.P dude
by duckdusk January 19, 2020
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WUT stands for Woomy United Today, which is a tag started by the Splatoon YouTuber Gabriel Gaming, or GG. It's usually used by players who prefer to goof off and squid party rather than play competitively . Even though there are rules for this, which state no squid partying in ranked, and don't force them in turf war, but many WUT members ignore these, making most people who see this tag in-game frustrated.
Person 1 : What does WUT stand for?
Person 2 : Woomy United Today.
Person 3 : More like Woah, Useless Teammates.
by duckdusk November 9, 2019
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