11 definitions by dubya

The profit an Alter Boy gains after giving the priest his services.
Very good Johnny, you made God a very happy man. Here, have a Snickers bar.
by dubya May 12, 2004
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The life of us all
Trek + blaze = Mong
Lets have a trek, then a blaze, then some bare mongage
by dubya November 27, 2003
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stress induced by entering into an argument which is simultaneously too geeky to sustain with any vigour for days, and is also too frustrating to remove oneself from due to the fact that you have grown to hate the nerd you are arguing with. Usually these confrontations will take place over discussion forums. The symptoms of geek stress mainly include a resentment of family members, and a lack of appetite.
day 13 of "technically a b# is not the same as a c" on musiciansforum.com
by dubya June 11, 2004
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arnaudt's best friend (together with Matrix)
Wow, I got Windows longhowwwwn beta 10093762.92736.4718962 M5 build!!!!! I'll go watch the Matwwwwwix again!!!
by dubya May 31, 2003
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