1 definition by dsmguy21

The car in question seems to be owned by every asshole on the planet, why? Cuz they're cheap and they're everywhere. They can often be seen getting their asses handed to them by cars of smaller engine size. Usually these are asian cars dealing out the whoopings, but cases are also recorded of other domestics such as Cavaliers handing down judgement to the highly overrated, seriously inflated ego on wheels.
Some make feeble attempts at making their cars faster. They suffer from a serious disease referred to as IDIOTUS AMONGUS. Which is either passed down through genes or contracted from a visit from the extremely dangerous Stupid Fairy. The disease can be anocculated through introduction to a real performance car, and may take several doses of such to fully erraticate the disease.
Furthermore, there do exist myths
about performance on these cars. Some wish to believe that upgraded models from Saleen, Roush and Shelby are standard factory models. This implies that they are stock, on the contrary. These models are, in fact, purchased by said performace companies, upgraded and then resold to ignorent customers who have problems understanding the concept of performance franchices. It is not these people's fault in this matter. Their IQ's simply are not high enough to understand performance upgrades and therefore they must rely on the industry to dupe them into thinking they are buying a quality factory product.
By my studies of this subject, I must conclude that most owners of the vehicle known as the Ford Mustang should not be looked down upon for their obvious lack of reality, but rather be helped by anyone willing to take on the hardships of working with the performance challenged. For they are as in need of help as any other "special" group of the world in which we live.
Summary from:
"IDIOTUS AMONGUS" A Racer's Disease
by dsmguy21 June 25, 2004
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