3 definitions by drunkendukh

I term used by people with an obvious lack of knowledge of the product they are selling to sound as if they know what they are saying.
Me: So why should I get these $900 tires over these $500 ones.
Idiot Salesman: Because, the $900 tires have more technology
Me: Ok there.

Me: Why should I get the Sony TV instead of the Panasonic?
Salesman: More technology.
by drunkendukh August 16, 2009
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A simple question into determining if someone is an ignorant fob and who should get the fuck out of America
Me: Do you know who Edgar Allan Poe is?
fob: Uhhh....who?
Me: Oh, never-mind. *under breath (The dumb bitch just failed the Edgar Allan Poe Test)*
by drunkendukh August 16, 2009
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Used to indicate a person who has such a large penis, that even when he gets some badly used up poon, it would be like having sex for the first time due to said large penis
Friend: That girl is a ho, I bet she was loose like a jellyfish?
Me: Au contraire, my dick is so big it was sloppy firsts to me.
Friend: What are sloppy firsts?
Me: Something you will never experience....
by drunkendukh August 16, 2009
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