13 definitions by dr. j

contraction created by combining "good and not bad." the opposite of badong
this food is ganawdab
by dr. j March 29, 2005
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a word used to describe the liquid which comes out of the vaginal passage after the sperm has been consumed by your female/male/transexual/dog frriend.(it may not even be your friend but the female/male/transexual/dog needs the money.
"Excuse me madam, where is the dickcrap?"

"Sorry younglady, this is tesco. You'll only find it in the fruit isle of walmart"
by dr. j May 1, 2004
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well, it all started at snake road. we were playing a game and this cute boy tried to steal my flag, and i said, "son of a bitch!" cuz i'm just vulgar like that, and the name has stuck ever since as a code name.
"ahhh... i saw s.o.b. in his baseball uniform, so hot..."
by dr. j April 24, 2005
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a boy who's dorky, but just so darn cute, but if you call him hot than, well, ur a freak. just kidding.
Seth Cohen is so adorkable, I just wanna squeeze him like a teddy bear.
by dr. j April 25, 2005
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After burping select an ususpecting person and blow the rank, and foul gas toward there face lightly enough for the person to inhale.
"After eating my chili hotdog, I blew a pin-point burp in Ross's direction which he generously inhaled."
by dr. j February 4, 2005
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