3 definitions by dovethebird

Dave: *writes johnatan*
Sam: "Did you just fucking say asterisk writes johnatan asterik? I'm tired of your illiterate bullshit, its like you're a second grader in a 21 year old's body. This is why your mom whores herself out every night, because she knows you cant get a job with that mutha-fucking smooth brain of yours. I've unfriended you on every website we use and blocked you, and you come to me every fucking day with this shitty ass weeabo bullshit, you soy boy. Go fucking try to jump off a moving train, you sad horny fucking excuse for a organism on this earth, because you fucking only drain shit, we need the oxygen that your heavy mouth breathing ass uses every day. Please kill yourself, and soon"
Dave: "same time tommorow?"
by dovethebird December 2, 2020
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stu (pid)

usually used for an adult male who likes pleasuring himself to animal farts (such as deer fart compilations)
"stu is a bit of a twink"
"nah hes just a bit odd"
by dovethebird August 6, 2023
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Yuri, commonly used like "joe" for the Joe mama jokes, however Yuri's equal is "tarded" aka Yuri-tarded (sounds like your retarded).
"Bro Yuri and your mom were going at it last night"
"whos yuri"
by dovethebird December 2, 2020
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