5 definitions by dong

Like an angrier versoin of "meh". Say it when someone tells you off, or when you're bored, or when you feel like sounding weird!

Hard to pronounce! Say it like "bow" but add in a bit of A and a tiny bit of Y at the end!

Originated in Gilroy College, Sydney, Australia
"F@%k off you little c@#t!"
by dong March 5, 2005
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when a guys dinky is hella wider than it is long
mikeal mac has a chode
by dong June 18, 2003
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Something slighty more offensive than bitch, because you are reffering to the acusee as a child. Notice its clever spelling.
A good example of a bitchild is your mother in law.
by dong July 31, 2004
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eastern ottawa slang for smoking a cigarette
"yo lets ding"
"you wanna ding?"
by dong March 23, 2005
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when someone gets gangbanged in space
the aliens spacebang the asturanut
by dong June 13, 2003
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