2 definitions by dm427

Its difficult to put a brand on someones accent. Some will claim to be a redneck others will say hillbilly. Hickonesian is a defined accent of an educated man from southern states.

Def: An educated southern form dialect combination of redneck and hillbilly.
I cant not know what dat man is sayn’. He must be speakin hickonesian.
by dm427 August 7, 2017
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You’re a vision beyond a definitive description that can only be one of true beauty; a Beauty that exist on the inside as well as the outside. A heart of gold, a captivating body, a heartwarming smile, innocent caring eyes and a kind touch. Intellect beyond your years and an awareness of feelings others display only to themselves. There is only contentment and joy in your presence with a saddened emptiness when you’re away. You are a remarkable living example of how beauty is; defined.
You are a beautiful example of how a woman should be viewed.
by dm427 August 7, 2017
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