3 definitions by dickweed9000


simulation argument's fool. no matter how many coincidences and strange things confront their pitiful mind, their beliefs are entrenched.
that fool is a simmer
by dickweed9000 October 23, 2020
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a behavior demonstrative of a poor attitude. queasy seeming nonsense: manipulation, lies, sadism, and greed.
"he decline in fall of the western world is due to bitchitude."
by dickweed9000 October 23, 2020
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the enemy walking in public. a potential murderer pretending to be nice with a see-through act. they nonchalantly do things that make no sense, that no other human would do, but they act like they are getting away with it.
keep your distance ANOMALOUSE! citizens still have rights in this country!
by dickweed9000 October 23, 2020
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