9 definitions by desmond

Typically found still living in his mom's home in Jersey even at middle age, an utterly unaccomplished individual that derives his self-worth exclusively from sports teams in the New York/New Jersey area, and in particular the achievements of the New York Yankee baseball team.

See also: loser, wanker, gobshite
The yankee fan was seized with the panic of self-loathing when the Red Sox won the World Series as he realized that the Yankees had not won it all in many years.
by desmond November 23, 2004
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Similiar to the rusty trombone, but with a twist. Hum on the nads and finagle the stork.
Jasons girlfreind was going to preform the rusty trombone, but decided to play the hairy bagpipes instead.
by desmond October 3, 2004
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