3 definitions by dayhh23479972

Daad is a beautiful person with a beautiful unique name! She is funny and kind, daad will bring you happiness in life and will bring you laughter. Daad is great friend to have she will make you happy when your upset. Daad has a lot of friends but likes hanging out in a small group to avoid fake friends. She loves her small friend group and will do anything for them. Daad will put people before herself, she always says yes to people because she doesn’t have the heart to say no, but that doesn’t give you an idea to be rude to her or her friends because she won’t be afraid to stand up for herself. She is brave, trustworthy and is so beautiful. Her smile will make your day she loves to call and talk to people and loves to check up on her friends 24/7 to make sure they’re okay. Daad is a beautiful person and I say to go find yourself a Daad if you want someone who will never fail to make you happy in life!
Daad is laughing with her friends.
by dayhh23479972 May 13, 2022
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Zak is a loving person, zak will make you love life he will make you happy when you are feeling down. Zak has the best heart and loves to apologise. Zak doesn’t like drama but when it comes to the people he loves he will do anything for them even if that means getting himself into shit. Zak loves animals and sports he is active and fit he is also super handsome. Zak has a funny personality and a old man laugh he will make you feel like the happiest person to exist. He loves his family and friends and most of all food, zak loves food so hide your food from zak especially chocolate cake!!! go find yourself a zak he will make you feel a type of happiness you’ve never felt before!
Zak loves cats and hates dogs.
by dayhh23479972 May 13, 2022
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Zak is a loving person, zak will make you love life he will make you happy when you are feeling down. Zak has the best heart and loves to apologise. Zak doesn’t like drama but when it comes to the people he loves he will do anything for them even if that means getting himself into shit. Zak loves animals and sports he is active and fit he is also super handsome. Zak has a funny personality and a old man laugh he will make you feel like the happiest person to exist. He loves his family and friends and most of all food, zak loves food so hide your food from zak especially chocolate cake!!! go find yourself a zak he will make you feel a type of happiness you’ve never felt before!
by dayhh23479972 May 13, 2022
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