1 definition by daviddaviduk

A website which is home to every cuntish moron in the UK. Includes an unhealthy mix of bored students, racist old timers and 'misunderstood' gothics. (they aren't goths, they are black metallers!) They claim to unite under the common goal of wanting to erase 'chavism', but are hampered by several problems;

-None of them can give a definitive definition of what a 'chav' actually is
-Half of them are extremists who would happily support public executions and life long sentences for petty thieves.
-The other half are teenage goths who are just jealous of the popular kids

If ChavScum were an American site, it would appeal to trigger happy Republicans. In the same way that Republicans will either call you a terrorist or a liberal when you question them, the people of ChavScum will dismiss anyone who questions them as a 'chav sympathiser' or a 'bleeding heart liberal'. It is not unknown for them to abuse, both verbally and physically, anyone who criticises them. Several journalists have been at the receiving end of their wrath, and people who sign up to their forums have often had personal details of their lives exposed, in an attempt to discredit them.

Fortunately, most of the population can see this site for what it is. Perhaps if they could explain what a 'chav' is, the site would become more acceptable. Right now though, it seems the word can cover anyone from a young kid who says the word 'fuck', to rapists, murderers and terrorists. With such a broad definition, is it any wonder that so many people are opposed to such a site? This is a clearly a dangerous situation. I, for one, am worried at the possibilty of these people one day taking over. We should contain them now, before they can spread their lies and propaganda any further than they have already done so.

This could be the start of a new Nazi era. Heil ChavScum.
chavscum.co.uk- home to every vigilante, racist and bullied teenager in the UK!
by daviddaviduk March 2, 2005
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