9 definitions by darius sunofovich

Means the same thing as exasperate, but sounds more like masturbate and is therefore funnier, and funner to say. Its like im getting away with something dirty, like everytime I go to the restaurant Fudrucker's.
fudrucker's exacerbates puerile wit.
by darius sunofovich January 5, 2005
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California Circa 1980. The first part is rising an the second syllable is falling, similar to how homosexuals say "fabulous."
Used in conversation after someone says something that is a non sequitur or has no bearing on the conversation at hand, and is thus completely random.
"I want to go get pizza at Frantone's"

"Frantone's was first built in 1967 by Antoine Frantonne. He changed the name in 1982 and started serving pizza."

"Okay: RAN-dom"
by darius sunofovich January 1, 2005
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