3 definitions by dargondaemon

A synomyn for 'troll'. This word is used to replace troll due to the British Government describing 'troll' as cyber-bullying. Fuck those guys.
Alexis Collincia: Hey Morg, what's 9 + 10?
Morg: 19.
Alexis Collincia: You're such a throll!
by dargondaemon December 6, 2014
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Someone who is so engrossed in technology that when someone tries to communicate with them they're a complete dick and they only talk about tech!
"Hey did you try talking to the new guy, Morgan?"
"Yeah, he's a complete techadickt though."
"Oh, that's a shame, I hate those guys!"
by dargondaemon October 8, 2014
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A complete weirdo. Often flirts with male teachers, but not to get better grades, just for fun. Always gets up in peoples' personal space. Very persistent.
"Why doesn't anyone like me?"
"Because you're a Morgan!"
"Oh...that explains a lot then! Want to be friends?"
by dargondaemon October 8, 2014
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