1 definition by daddy2213

She is the most loyal and prettiest person you will meet.This girl is so nice and has the best taste in clothes and men. She always holds high standards for herself. She is very hardworking and so nice to others. She is a person who is easy to relate to and will not judge you. If she has something to say she will be honest and say it to your face. She is the best girlfriend someone could have and the best friend a person could have. She never shows her emotions but she will always have a smile on her face and laugh at everything she thinks is funny. Whoever has her as a girlfriend is so lucky because she can be a freak at times. Anyways she is the best and is so beautiful with her brown blackish hair and amazing brown skin. Everyone at school is always wanting her like home girl can pull hoes. But she won’t give them the attention they want. She will always focus on the one guy she wants and love him. She is such a great and smart person who always puts her friends and family first making sure everyone is happy. Never underestimate her because she knows everything and one you get her mad she gets mad but that is rare. Sometimes she gets taken advantage of but she will fix that real quick. Denisse is someone who has a high self esteem and love herself the way she is but sometimes gets bored of her looks so she changes it up.
denisse is so hot and if you manage to get a denisse keep her forever
by daddy2213 April 13, 2021
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