18 definitions by da wizard of oz

The capital of South Jersey. It is known as "da town" to residents of South Jersey.
Vineland is in the depths of South Jersey. ITS ALL ABOUT PHILLY SON
by da wizard of oz June 5, 2009
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Where the North begins. A great state, a wonderland full of fields and rivers and crabs. Bordered by Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia, this great state is home to D.C. suburbs, Baltimore aka Da Charm City, and The Chesapeake Bay (da Chest-Peak, eh?). The accent spoken in this state is the same Canadian sounding accent that's spoken in Wisconsin, but that can't be said for the state south of it (Virginia). It's a microcosm of America, and it's next to both Our Nation's Capital and the Ohio-meets-Fughettaboutit state of Pennsylvania. A great state to live in or visit.
by da wizard of oz June 20, 2009
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The Blue colored bar that contains six definitions with pictures that lies underneath the regular definitions. If you type a definition in with evil intent, a Middle Eastern country will pop up. If you type a definition in with a badass yet curious way, "Arnold Schwarznegger will pop up.
Nobody knows why the Blue bar exists on UrbanDictionary.com. It is thought that some dude named Chris invented the Blue Bar sometime in 2004 at the University of Arizona as a present for the UD boss himself, Scott Peckham. I can't wait until somebody hacks it and puts new pictures and definitions into it *sigh*
by da wizard of oz December 14, 2009
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Redneckland, U.S.A.
People in North Carolina are so southern and redneck they make people in Virginia look like Canadians, no fucking joke
by da wizard of oz December 14, 2009
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A small town in Vermont on the U.S.-Canada border. This small New England hamlet is full of French Canadians due to it being right next to Quebec. There are also lots of weed smoking skater punks and hippies here too. People here speak with a thick Canadian accent, although it's not French Canadian, just regular Canadian for some reason.
<Person From Derby Line> Did ya know dat we're only a half mile from Quebec der, EH?
<Person From Quebec> Pourquoi es stupide Vermont a cote de notre belle terre de Quebec?!?
<Person From Derby Line> Ya know, I don't GAHT oohny idear what ya just said, but alright *walks 10 feet north to get to Canada*
by da wizard of oz July 2, 2009
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An insult far worse then the tame, G-rated slam "Go to Hell".

When your pissed at someone, tell them to Go to DELL.
An example of telling someone to Go to Dell:

Ron: "Hey did you know I fucked your girlfriend up the ass yesterday in your car?"
Don: "Pfffffft, I don't care."
Ron: "But did you know that I got my Cumstains on the backseat of your BMW?"
Ron: "No, you go to DELL!!!!!!!!!"
by da wizard of oz November 11, 2009
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A street gang from Washington, DC that is known to smear Dogshit all over people's cars. They also beat people up and they sell tires to Chinese people in Maryland. "Dewgshit" is Dogshit said in a D.C. accent by the way, so hence the name "DewgShit Boyz".
I got jumped by one of those DewgShit Boyz yesterday!
by da wizard of oz June 12, 2009
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