3 definitions by d6y

Acronym for "Quick and Dirty". Used in organizations that do a lot of quick and dirty work in order to save time when planning, or as a means to avoid discussion of this style of problem solving. Can also be useful as plausible deniability. Also: QnD, QAD.
- "So my boss told me to just do it Q&D"
- "You really need to stop working at companies that need an acronym for quick and dirty"
by d6y October 12, 2007
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Abbreviation for "Certificate of Compliance", an internal document issued by some large organizations once their employees have worked though a process to keep company lawyers happy.
"I'm determined to get my COC out by the end of the day".
by d6y November 21, 2005
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A product, device or service that appears to work, but when you look deeper turns out to be a collection of badly thought out and badly implemented ideas that is going to cause you no end of grief.
Have you seen the code they committed today? What a bag of spanners.
by d6y May 15, 2006
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