1 definition by coolcanuck

The act of voluntarily showering in very water cold water. This is easily achievable in the winter time in Canada due to the cold pipes in ones house. Can be done in two ways"

1. (Intermediate level): Turning on the shower normally, waiting for the water to get hot, and the turn the temperature all the way down until water is freezing for a few seconds, resulting in intense pain, before returning to normal temperature. Repeat as needed

2. (Pro level) Turning on the shower normally, waiting for the water to get hot, and the turn the temperature all the way down until water is freezing, SLOWLY bringing the temperature back to normal.

This will result in a vivid awaken sensation.
Guy 1: Dude, i felt fucking groggy and tired this morning, but I took a Canadian shower, I'm feel primo right now.

Guy 2: That's pretty cool, eh.
by coolcanuck December 11, 2009
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